Anyway we went into the standing area just before 7 so had a pretty decent place, but she didn't come out til about 9:30, people were startin' to boo , lol such a diva!
she has a brave set of lungs on her, but I reckon she focused too much on her new album, would have liked to hear a bit more from her stripped album..
Half way through the concert, I started to feel really dizzy like I was goin' to faint, we were pretty packed in near the front. I thought I was gonna hit the ground, or get carried out like you see happen all the time, and never expect to happen to you. I grabbed ali, mumbled summit, and sprinted all the way back through the crowd. I dont think they were too happy with us trampin' on bags and coats, but this was an emergency lol. So I finally got to sit down on the floor and tried to put my head between my legs, so horrible. Ali went to get me water, then I knew I was gonna throw up, ran to the toilet, and the girl says to me "sorry we're cleanin' these you have to queue". At this point I had a mouthful of puke, if I could have spoke I'd have said, "fine I'll just barf on the floor here and that'll certainly give you some cleaning to do". Couldn't do that soo stood mumblin' a bit until another girl said are you gonna be sick...mmmm hmmmmm came from me!
so i got that out of my system, had some water from ali and managed to go back in at the very back this time lol...could still see her though. Got back in time for dirrty, which was good.
all in all it was good but a pity I was the one that makes a tit out of herself and nearly faints...Dont get it, i'm soo not a fainter! apologies to ali again ooops...
Got some really good pics before though, have a jookie!