K i fancy a rant that may or may not go on and on, and on a bit more!
i'm at that stage again, where i'm bored of everything, bored of my life, the places I go and the weather that surrounds me...
Why did I not go to New Zealand this year...ehh prob didn't save enough money, and a job came up. Is this it then, am i stuck here forever? I'm torn between being sensible and down right crazy and spontaneous...
I'm just really feeling very claustrophobic (typo?) right now. I need that light, that defining moment that makes you say, yip this is it, this is what I want to do with my life. Is that really supposed to happen, or are we just supposed to be grateful with what we've got , shut the hell up, and get on with it!
i do believe we are the makers of our own destiny, good things dont just happen to people. You have to put the effort in to reap the rewards. I just wish I knew where to start!...
Phew, wasn't as bad as I thought...maybe I should go on a bit more for the avid reader...
nah, back to work...ohhh hum drum.
kaz x