Sunday, December 04, 2005

It's been a while!

hey everyone,

its been a while hasn't it? i feel really crappy today, and for once its not drink related, well not fully anyway..i'll not go into too much detail because i may have some male readers, but it really does suck being a woman, my belly feels like someones sitting on hoo!!
anyway, enough of the moaning...soo i have my first psychology test tomorrrow, oh how unprepared i am, its not gonna be pretty considering i keep forgetting how to spell psychology!! anyone else wanna take it for me? i'm sure u'd all do a better job...
i must go i have no energy, its 3.30pm and all i've eaten 2day is half a soda bread thing........
kaz x


ali wilson said...

hey hey kaz... how'd the test go? im sure you'll do fine. did u work hard for it? psychology sounds very interesting think i'd like to study it sometime - any wisdom to share with us?

Kaz said...

hey hey feels i've learnt nout in psych hehe...test wasn't too bad since we were allowed our notes, good job 2, tricky stuff...there will b no A's in this GCSE hehe
soo i need a new topic of conversation, any ideas chick?