Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I've been tagged

Hey i've been tagged by Tina and I have to write 5 things u may not know about me..C this scares me a wee bit..if u dont know these things about me i prob dont want u too lol..
Still i'll try and come up with some decent ones!

cant think of anything will have to come back to this post...

1- When a was wee I tried to build a house out of real cement and bricks in the driveway, and got chased all round the house by a shouting daddy..

2- I tried to pee standing up when i was tiny, growing up with 3 brothers I couldn't understand why I was different, needless to say I made a mess.

3- My best friend from primary school and I used to always put pj's on during the day, and play...weird!!

4- ohh this is a funny one, i remember putting brown lemonade in a glass, and standing in front of the mirror pretending to be drunk....hmmm an insight into my life to come!

5- I always wet myself in primary school, and was the one going home in the yellow tights from lost property.. hehe...!

K thats all I can come up with now I tag... McGrathy Joanne Neil Jo H ....that'll do..

bye bye

1 comment:

Neil J M said...

Right there! Check it out.
