Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Have to Keep the Fans Happy

Ok so i haven't been updating lately, not been much to report, but the demand is high to give u guys some kaz love..so here I am!
so wots the craic, the latest with me is to get arty again, jill and i and maybe some others are on for makin' some cool canavas paintings, well cool to us at the very least. maybe one or 2 of u wonderful people out there would like to purchase some??? moving out? doin' up the house? hey, why not buy a kaz/jill design, it'll brighten up you life!! failing that i'll plaster my bedroom with the tat!

kaz x

ps, nearly had a heartattack on the running machine last night, and not cos i was workin' it too hard, but because the woman beside me somehow made her plastic drink of water explode.....well i thought it was funny


Jo said...

Water? Essplode?? lmao now thats a talent!

Jo said...

...hang on...

"plastic drink of water"

Plastic water??? =/

Kaz said...

nahh it wasn't fizzy ordinary water in a plastic container type thing with a lid, i dont get how it exploded either, to much air and pressure inside i suspect..
and i wasn't plastic water sorry, i'm rather unarticulate!

Jo said...

"and i wasn't plastic water"


teehee ;o) m'only keepin ya goin hon!