Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Boredom

SO hands up who got burnt over the weekend....i did i did!
isn't it hilarious how everyone goes crazy here when there's a bit of sunshine!! girls are out in portrush with bikini's, baby oil, and tin foil reflective type surfaces...fools, u might as well step in the oven, and get someone to baste u every hour! hehe
anyway, so i start my new job tomorrow, dont know how i'm feelin about it, ask me in a few months maybe, see how i've settled. i just have this thought at the back of my mind....why are you goin' into something u have absolutely no interest in doesn't help having been off for a week, routine and order just isn't that appealing, compared to corona bbq's and pictionary lol!
anyway thats enough of a rant..keep smilin'

ps cant be arsed with quote of the day anymore, i'm sure u're highly disappointed

1 comment:

ali wilson said...

wohoo! first day - hope it goes well chick. i'm sure you'll make friends straight away! as for the quote of the day - im just going to have to find some other wise teachings to inspire me!