Saturday, January 27, 2007

Jill photo shoot!

Okay, so I've got a lot of photography work to do so decided to rope Jill into my Portrait type work.
Little bit unfair on her having the early start since we'd consumed a load of vino the night before. Still off we trotted round her house and into town.
Have a look and see what we came up with:

Oh and excuse the ropey arrangement I haven't time to piss about with this lol


Neil J M said...

OH YEAH! Sorry, just had to do the Kool-Aid thing after seeing Jill with the red liquid! That, and the shots look great. The Judge approves!

Kaz said...

why thank u, i hope I can get some more decent ones!

Neil J M said...

You should come and take some pictures of The Judge. All candles, harsh lighting and evil symbols... it'll be a nice change from shooting beautiful folk!


Kaz said...

hehe yeah i'm up for that, and we all know there's an inner poser in the judge..

ali wilson said...

i really love the first shot! jill makes a good model too - very relaxed looking :-) are you going to blow some up massive and give them to jonny for christmas?