Sunday, May 06, 2007

Photography yet again...

Hi guys,

Just took advantage of my mum having a crazy looking window display and photographed it.
I bought about 8 mini canvas' and stuck 4 photo's on some of them, anyone like? So I also have a spare 4 canvas' might paint on them, but fear I make a hash, any suggestions?


Neil J M said...

Love the canvasses - I'm working on a similar idea myself at the moment.

As far as the painting goes, you should go for it - I recommend acrylics. Do something abstract, with just a couple of different colours and lots of texture. If it's good we could could hang it on the wall... ;)

Speaking of which - anytime from Tues 15th May onwards can be K-Day! Woohoo!

J.H. xo

Kaz said...

Thanks Neil, the photo's aren't stuck on the best but it was fun all the same.
really.. anytime from tues the 15th oooohh thats exciting, I must organise my gear then. Its funny because I haven't even seen the room, but I dont really care ;-) Should I leave it until the weekend after the 15th or gradually move my gear up from the 15th onwards and then the weekend can be when i have my first wee sleep in my new bed..hehe

Neil J M said...

Whatever you like, I'd prefer that you don't 'officialy' move in until after the 18th so I can afford to properly celebrate with ya, haha!

Like I said, the room is free from the 15th onwards, so you can start to move stuff up any time from then.

Gimme a shout if you need any help.


Kaz said...

okey dokey thanks Neil,

I'll probably not have my very first sleep until the 18th night then ;) a Friday I believe! I'll start bringing gear up before that, I'll try and rope Jill into helping as she's on the way in anyway...Ohhh so excited..Just looking round my room now, shockin' state of affairs, should start organising stuff now..
Enjoy your May Day.. xo

Neil J M said...

BTW, I was only joking about the 18th, Kaz - you can move in whenever you like! Like I'm gonna make you wait for my own payday?!


Kaz said...

haha yeah Stephen told me that as well the other day over email.!!
I'm getting really excited my friend..I shall be calling up on Tuesay, dunno if he told ya, prob bring some stuff up for a start anyway ;-)