Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Never really seem to have that much to Blog about..

I never know what to write on here anymore, there is pressure to be entertainling and witty, of which I am neither!
Anyway, I'll try my best to hold your attention for a few minutes at least.
I was off work all last week, I started the week with great intentions of getting creative with my camera. On my first day off I went for a huge walk around town with my eyes open for a change and snapped at what grabbed my attention. I got a few decent shots and then got chased home by the rain and a developing blister on my heel.
The next couple of days I actually made use of the wet and took some reflection shots and some other stuff that worked well. Towards the end of the week the drinking took over, nothing too over the top mind you, which is worrying. I fear I am reducing my alcohol intake too much, and becoming all sensible, next step.. in on a Saturday nights with a bovril..Ha never!
Anyway I hung out with the usual crowd on my days off which was nice, ending the week with Steve in a drunken mess on the kitchen floor after too many Tequilas back at Johnnys!!

Neil has just recently updated my site, it looks even more spectacular now..So do check it out for an aesthetically pleasing experience, and a few more pics from me as well. Guestbook also still in the making so I'll be looking for some constructive criticism in the coming weeks please!

We were also discussing the fact that T-shirts with the "K" logo from the site would be a cool idea. There would be the choice of pink or in the grey pre-load format. I think they would look the business, not necessary to get my name out there, although that would be good too, but just as a fun piece of clothing. Would anyone out there wear one?

Apart from the mundane crapness of being back at work that's the update on my life at the moment. Well all I'll be revealing on the web anyway ;)

Oh look at that, I seemed to have plenty to say after all.




The Painted Ass said...

O, you lie, Ms McClintock!

The photos are excellent - I'm loving them. The T-shirt idea sounds cool too - I'd wear one. More importantly I'd buy the pictures for my wall.

(Neil was saying today he's gonna ban me from his blog cos I'm just a big leech, leaving comments and never blogging. Whadda ya know, i've pounced again!!)

Neil J M said...

Yay for blogging Kaz! \o/

Based on your first paragraph, I think we're going to have to refer to you as an 'entertainling' from now on... a new and mysterious breed of creature who feeds on wine and cheese! :D

Regards from Your Semantics Nazi,

Kaz said...

hey guys,

Thanks for the encouraging words Robyn, the T-shirts are a must have then.
Good to know you'd buy a picture for the wall, what if it cost an obscene amout of money, eeek!

Pounce all you like on my blog, its good to know someone is actually reading it! Still waiting to read a new one on yours though..

Neil I initially thought entertainling was a typo, then I thought again, as it is you after all!

Neil J M said...

I think I have OCD when it comes to spelling and grammar - I can't see any mistakes without commenting on them in some way. I don't mean to be an uppity dick, I just am :D

Need to design a KMP t-shirt for the boys too... reckon the silver 'pre-load' version will be okay?


Kaz said...

totally grey/silver would be great. not a major fan of the lady t-shirt designs lol..I'd like to order an 11 year old size and that might be a nice tight fit for me..
I actually also like the idea of a cap..

The Painted Ass said...

Obscene?! I was thinking a tenner! Am joking. I reckon I've spent, or had spent on me , a fair sum on books of photographs and National Geographics over the years. Photos are my mood enhancers, even more so than music, strangely. Yours work as well for me as any of the ones in my books, so I would. Suppose it's all relative to income too though. Given my current financial situation I'll probably only be able to afford you if you go down the greetings/post card route!

Kaz said...

I could maybe do some tiny canvasses for you robyn...at a very reason able price ;-)

The Painted Ass said...

Have your people, call my people and we'll see

Kaz said...

i'm totally pimping myself out here. Telling all our suppliers to look at my website.

This guy asked me how many I'd sold today..lol I'm trying to get him to buy a lovely canvas that goes above his sofa teehee