Monday, February 02, 2009


Not in the best of form today, I'm tired and grumpy because my knee is giving me jip!
I did my scheduled 7 mile run yesterday, it went pretty well, I only had a slight twinge in my knee... I was helped along by the aid of some new tunes (thanks Tina) and I also had a new new strap for support.
Today is a different matter though, i'm hobbling about work like an old lady, and i'm not impressed. I really don't know what to do now, i hope to God this isn't going to get any worse, and that the Marathon isn't going to happen :(
My 3 miler today is optional, so it's probably best i don't do it, or perhaps i could go for a swim instead, I guess i'll just have to see how it goes...
Bit of a downer, but I'll have to just power on, and hope things get better... A week off would be great right now, i've so much to do and no time to do it. I have lots of work for photography to do tonight, and i'm definitely going to knuckle down and get it sorted...

Thats all for now.


Tina said...

Aw chin up girl... you'll come back. You're too flipping determined to let it stand in your way!

Kaz said...

hell yeah, thanks chica :) x