Sunday, March 05, 2006

weekends go sooo quick!

weekends go so quick dont they...especially when u waste yer sundays in bed...
i had possibly one of the worst hangovers in my life this morning..ughh! i still feel sick and its nearly 7pm. i didn't think i'd drunk that much either, i have a bad recovery rate. remember when hangovers used to last a few hours?? mine are more like a few days now!! well thats what i get for bein' a foooool!
i drove home this mornin' from johnnys and barely had time to drop my bags before i attempted to remove my stomach lining!!! my head was bangin' soooo hard i thought my brain was gonna seep put my ears!! (ohh thats a dramatic interpretation innit)? i hate drink, it makes u do stupid things, makes u ill and costs money, remind me why we do it again??
ps i think i have a loose tooth from last night. someone banged into me and my bottle whacked off it...but its ok its my fake one anyway lol


Jo said...

=/ umm...and there's me thinking it was the thought of David Hasslehoff making you sick *blinkblink*

Kaz said...

well that'd do it 2!