Hi, I feel the need to go off on a big rant today, don't really know where I'm going with it, but lets go for it anyway!
I'm sitting here at work, as usual feeling like i'm wasting my life. Yesterday I was meant to be making up hours, but left early because I just couldn't stand wasting another minute pissing about in here. There's people out there with really meaningful lives doing important things everyday, and i'm rotting away in mundane Karen Land. I know I should be grateful that I have a job, blah blah blah. Sometimes you just can't be eternally positive and you just have to have a great big moan!
Of course it's all my own fault, you don't get anywhere in life by sitting on your fat ass, moaning and hoping that the life changing event you dream of happening just comes and say's hello to you one day!
We have to take responsibilty for our lives, of course we do, who else is going to, I just wish I knew how to do that...Would anyone out there like to sort my life out for me because I haven't managed to work it all out myself yet! I do believe i've just constradicted myself there.
Anyway.. I just need a fresh start, something new and challenging. Who's with me? who wants to go on a Journey? Lets all walk out of work we hate today! see that's it I'll me a motivational speaker, would you listen to me?