Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Darren Does Darth...Again!

Hey hey everyone,

It was roughly 3 or 4 years ago that Darren asked me to do his face paint for Halloween as Darth Maul. I loved doing it and it took me a good hour to complete in my lunch hour whilst working in GAME.
So I was excited to do it all again today but with a difference, he had to fit in with the green and white army for the Northern Ireland match. Off I went to meet him in Laverys, haven't been in there in years, packed full of green football tops and plently of banter. We headed to his mates after a few minutes and I got started on the makeup. I wasn't quite as particular this time, its just not the same when you aren't using the dramatic original colours of red and black. Still I had fun here come the pics....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Yet again!

Ok so the working week goes by so damn fast, but so do the weekends!! Will someone please put the brakes on, there's not enough hours in the day, especially when daylight saving steals one.
Went to see "Hot Fuzz" last night, hmmmm can't decide whether is was really good or really horrendous, there's a fine line between the two. I think i'm wavering towards horrendous, the storyline is just stupid!! It did have its comedy moments though, but still I wouldn't watch it again.
Anyway onto more impotant things! I'm currently printing out all my fav pics for a portfolio i'm putting together, the buzz i'm getting off this is fantastic, I just love it all. They are printing out pretty good and I have more decent ones that I I think so anyway, others may disagree.
Hopefully in the coming weeks the wonderful Neil is going to start on a site for me to showcase everything. Lets face it i'm not the talented one when it comes to websites, I can only do basic stuff. Best to leave it to the professional..cue Neil!
So watch this space for its gonna rock like a big hard thing!


Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday yet again!

How can it possibly be Monday again!!
damn weekend went far too fast for my liking. I hate Mondays and we have an arsehole of a customer annoyin' me on a daily basis at the moment, he's an English Nightmare!
Anyway I did get a raise today, which is great since i've only been there for 7 months, wow its ACTUALLY 7 months, thats crazy!!
I gotta save loads now, Rome in August, and Skiing/snowboarding in January, lovin' it all!
So Jill and I are goin' to this kicksercise or something like that on Friday. Then we've decided to go home and drink champagne hahaha, the cheap stuff ofcourse. We were talking about the time we went into town when the market was on, and ended up in the Apartment drinkin' a shed load of champers, laughin' sooo much, lyin' on the floor and generally havin' a blast. Champagne definitely gets you the best kinda drunk!................
So role on the weekend aleady, i'm celebrating!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Manky Fruit

So I said the mouldy manky fruit was still to come, so here it is. Anyone fancy a bite? mmmmmm

Sunday, March 11, 2007

ooohh fruity..with a bit of veg thrown in!

Well hello reader, hope you are having a pleasant Sunday.

Its the control section time in my GCSE photography, this is were we are given a time limit on a specitic subject. I have choosen decay of fruit and veg, i reckon I can get some great shots with this topic..So check out below what I've got so far, and ofcourse still to come is the decay stage.
I have all the below fruit and veg by the window, justing waiting for it to go all manky and mouldy mmmm pleasant! Such a waste I hear you cry, but I only used a tiny amount, and a bought it all in lidel for next to nothing....
bye for now, keep checkin' back for the rest of the topic!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Check out my jawline! If you think that's bad you should have seen the other girl!

Yeah ok ok, so I didn't get into a fight, but it sure looks like I did.
Today i went to get my final bottom wisdom tooth out. I didn't get the gas as that's for chickens mahahah. Nah the gas would probably make me throw up, and there really is no need for it. SOOO 2 or three jabs of the needle, a cut with a knife, a grind of the drill, a few yanks, and a few stitches, and i was good to go again!
I thought all was grand until gradually thoughout the day people kept sayin "jesus look at your face" it looks like i have a golfball in my mouth, the pic just doesn't do it justice.
My mum even said to me it was awful looking and i looked deformed, ahh nothin like motherly love. whatever happened to a face only a mother could love haha
anyway my weekend outings shall be limited i'm sure, but its all good in the long run.
Ps i had rice pudding for lunch and failed to notice it was all over my face. The injection hadn't worn off and i couldn't feel a thing haha!