Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday yet again!

How can it possibly be Monday again!!
damn weekend went far too fast for my liking. I hate Mondays and we have an arsehole of a customer annoyin' me on a daily basis at the moment, he's an English Nightmare!
Anyway I did get a raise today, which is great since i've only been there for 7 months, wow its ACTUALLY 7 months, thats crazy!!
I gotta save loads now, Rome in August, and Skiing/snowboarding in January, lovin' it all!
So Jill and I are goin' to this kicksercise or something like that on Friday. Then we've decided to go home and drink champagne hahaha, the cheap stuff ofcourse. We were talking about the time we went into town when the market was on, and ended up in the Apartment drinkin' a shed load of champers, laughin' sooo much, lyin' on the floor and generally havin' a blast. Champagne definitely gets you the best kinda drunk!................
So role on the weekend aleady, i'm celebrating!

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